pdfToolbox in continua evoluzione e correzione di alcuni bug rilevati. Aggiornamento gratuito per i possessori della versione 14. L’aggiromaneto può essere fatto anche dalle versioni precedenti se in ordine con il contratto di manutenzione annuale (SMA).
#14.4.622 December 14, 2023
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 14 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 14 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- Problem solved where certain combinations of region and language settings resulted in unstable behaviour (macOS only) [CA1032326; FP75186]
- Issue fixed where external variable script editing was no longer possible in VS Code (macOS only) [FP75135]
- Fixups
- Create and apply shapes: Issue fixed, where an invisible pattern became visible when a certain spot color was excluded [CA1032830]
- Place rectangle: Problem solved where rectangle was placed at offset position when radius was defined [CA1032941]
- Remove .notdef glyphs: Problem solved where missing but required CMap entry was not handled properly [CA1032893]
- Set colors: Issue fixed, where certain Properties like “is in custom area” could not be used in a Check [CA1032944]
- Set transparency blend color space: Issue fixed, where the blend color space was changed with the setting “is missing” even though the entry already existed [FP75258]
- Font processing: Problem solved, where some glyphs were removed if identical fonts were contained in the PDF in certain cases [FP74861]
- Actions
- To PDF: Problem solved, where conversion of TIFF files was not successful (Windows 32bit only)
- General
- Fast VDP mode: Problem solved, where single-page documents with multiple usage of Form XObjects were not properly processed [CA1032881]
Gli aggiornamenti precedenti
#14.4.621 November 16, 2023
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 14 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 14 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- Switchboard: New functionality “Rasterize” in group “Pages”
- Switchboard: New functionality “Fill page (repeat)” in group “Arrange”
- Switchboard: “Import from library” option for runlist and sheetconfig files added
- Process plan editor: Transitions without an assigned destination step will be handled as connection to “End” [FP66937]
- Process plan editor: Enhanced highlighting of transitions and connected steps [FP66937]
- Process plans and Profile editors: Improved handling of custom Templates for Variables (Ask at runtime dialog)
- Explore DPart: Import of DPart structures into a PDF
- Support for High DPI monitors on Windows
- Action editor: “Import from library” option for runlist and sheetconfig files added
- Search Libraries: Imposition configuration files are now available as listed resources [FP71940]
- New or enhanced predefined Profiles
- Fix problems in PDF tagging structure: Added “Insert or repair IDTree in StructTreeRoot” Fixup
- PDF/UA-1 validation:
- Added “List encloses improper structure type”
- Added “Table encloses improper structure type”
- Adjusted “Annotations not inside Annot tag”
- Adjusted “Annotation lacks both Contents entry and Alt entry”
- Adjusted “Neither Scope nor Headers/IDs for TH cell” [CA1032688]
- PDF/A-1… validation:
- Adjusted “PDF contains data after end of file marker”
- Adjusted “Text cannot be mapped to Unicode” for PDF/A-1a
- PDF/A-2… validation:
- Adjusted “OutputIntent uses a referenced destination profile”
- Adjusted “No transparency group entry for transparent object and no PDF/A OutputIntent present”
- Adjusted “PDF contains data after end of file marker”
- Adjusted “Text cannot be mapped to Unicode” for PDF/A-2u
- PDF/A-3… validation:
- Adjusted “OutputIntent uses a referenced destination profile”
- Adjusted “No transparency group entry for transparent object and no PDF/A OutputIntent present”
- Adjusted “PDF contains data after end of file marker”
- Adjusted “Text cannot be mapped to Unicode” for PDF/A-3u
- PDF/A-4… validation:
- Added “DeviceRGB used in an 3D annotation but PDF/A OutputIntent not RGB”
- Added “Incorrect annotation type used: FileAttachment”
- Added “Embedded file has invalid MIME type entry”
- Adjusted “OutputIntent uses a referenced destination profile”
- Adjusted “No transparency group entry for transparent object and no PDF/A OutputIntent present”
- Adjusted “PDF contains data after end of file marker”
- Adjusted “Text cannot be mapped to Unicode”
- New or enhanced predefined Fixups
- Convert page content into CMYK image if size of content stream is greater than 5MB
- New or enhanced predefined Checks
- Content stream size of page greater than 5MB
- New Fixups
- Enhanced Fixups
- Convert colors: New advanced setting: “Decalibrate with filters”
- New Properties
- URI of action in link annotation [FP68840]
- Actions
- Quick Fix: New option for Resave PDF: “Repair image streams (ZIP)” to repair incorrect length entries and insert missing EOD (end of data) markers [CA1032568; CA1032639; FP74023]
- Reports
- PDF Mask report: Support for highlighting of barcode / QR code hits added
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v18.0.4PlusP2f)
- Internal HTML converter updated to callas pdfChip (v2.5.084)
- Desktop
- Action editor: Reviewed, reordered and optimized display of possible options for several Action types
- Action editor: Issue solved, where naming was not checked for identical Actions and no auto-indexing took place upon import
- Action editor: Corrected swapped strings for custom box in image export [FP74181]
- Problems solved in more than one monitor setups, where certain parts of the user interface were displayed on the wrong monitor in certain cases
- Compare Profiles: Issue fixed, where comparing 2 specific Profiles was not successful
- General font processing: Problem solved, where analysis was not successful due to some rare and unusual Encoding entries [FP74269]
- JavaScript editor: Issue fixed, where installation of callas VSCode auto-complete component did not work (Windows only)
- Layer Exporer: Reviewed and revised handling of layers
- Process plans: Issue fixed, where a failing Fixup did not stopp processing in Desktop [FP74444]
- Process plans: Issues fixed, where changes to the plan were reported, although the plan was unchanged
- Problem solved, where update notification created an assertion when a proxy was used [FP74089]
- QuickFix editor: Issue solved, where naming was not checked for identical QuickFixes and no auto-indexing took place upon import
- Switchboard: Problem solved, where folders for failures were not properly created during batch processing [FP73553]
- Test mode: Problem fixed, where certain Quick Fix combinations with file pick up resulted in a warning message [FP74531]
- Test mode: Issue fixed, where hotkeys for zoom levels were not functional (Windows only) [FP71939]
- Variable editor: Several issues fixed, where “Show evaluation results” did not work as expected in certain cases
- Variable editor: Problem solved, where logging profile execution was not successful [FP74158]
- Fixups
- Convert colors:
- Issue fixed, where identical (legacy) configuration files became indexed during import of previously exported process plan
- Problem solved, where some Form XObjects were missing after processing in certain PDF files [CA1032716]
- Problem solved, where certain Default ColorSpace definitions were not properly decalibrated [FP73443]
- Convert page content into image:
- Issue fixed with JPEG compression, where process colors in DeviceN where not rendered
- Problem solved, where some page objects were visually changed if “Except page objects” filter was used [FP67080; FP71301]
- Problem solved where in certain cases some lines of pixels were not rendered [FP74646]
- Create and apply shapes:
- Issue fixed, where using a layer-based page filter resulted in unexpected behavior [FP74444]
- Problem solved, where a page rotation factor was not properly regarded [CA1032570]
- Issue fixed, where an additional rectangle path was added outside of the document area in certain cases [FP72887]
- Downsample/recompress images: Issue fixed, where proportions of images were not maintained if used together with a “Convert colors” Fixup in the same Profile [CA1032564]
- Downsample/recompress images: Problem solved, where certain images using a Mask or an SMark entry were not properly handled [CA1032308; CA1032545; CA1032553; FP74510]
- Embed missing fonts: Issue fixed, where font embedding replaced a certain glyph if the respective glyph was not available in the font file [FP73453]
- Embed missing fonts: Problem solved, where Unicode values from encoding entries for glyphs were not maintained in certain cases [CA1032659]
- Generate bleed for irregular shapes: Problem solved, where resulting bleed used slightly wrong color [CA1032858; FP68973; FP72642]
- Generate bleed for irregular shapes: Issue fixed, where process colors were not properly handled in certain cases
- Map colors:
- Problem solved, where mapping of Gray to Separation Black resulted in an unexpected output [FP73701]
- Images will only be converted between color spaces if “Include intermediate color values” is enabled
- Issue fixed, where result was not properly displayed in certain PDF viewers after processing [CA1032715]
- Problem solved, where certain DeviceGray objects could not be mapped to spot color [CA1032712]
- Profile description for Output Intent: Issue fixed, where properties of ICC v4 profiles could not be determined [FP74319]
- Remove page objects completely outside page area: Problem solved with a certain file [CA1032654; FP74520]
- Set transparency blend color space: Issue fixed, where blend color space was not properly set in certain cases [FP73586]
- Subset fonts: Problem solved, where a “npspace” glyph was mistakenly replaced [FP74330]
- Convert colors:
- Checks
- Create invisible text via OCR: Problem solved, where processing was not successful on Linux in some cases [FP74099]
- ICCbased …: Form XObjects no longer taken into account [FP73586]
- PDF file contains data after the end-of-file marker: Issue fixed, where a “Newline” (0A) was not regarded [CA1032852]
- Sifter-based Properties:
- Issue solved, where objects outside shapes were not properly detected with certain PDFs [CA1032698; FP74166; FP74187; FP74784]
- Issue fixed, where a file from previous processing could not be analyzed in certain cases [FP69716]
- Problem solved, where checking distances did not work properly [FP73788]
- Problem solved, where a layer with an incomplete OCProperties entry was falsely classified as invisible and therefore not regarded [CA10327726]
- Smallest distance from TrimBox: Problem solved, where the defined threshold was not properly regarded [CA1032065]
- Content stream analysis: Problem solved, where processing a certain PDF resulted in endless processing [FP73680]
- Actions
- Compare: If only one of the PDFs has an Output Intent, this Output Intent will now be used for both PDFs [FP74190]
- Extract dieline: Problem solved, where rectangular strokes were not exported as closed paths [FP72538]
- Overlay: Issue fixed, where layers were not properly handled [FP44717]
- To PDF:
- Problem solved where certain JPEG images were unproportionally scaled when converted to PDF [FP74437]
- Issue fixed, where certain TIFF files using Lab colors were only partially converted
- Problem solved, where 16Bit TIFF files with “NoMac” byte order were not properly converted [CA1032713; FP73200; FP74424]
- Quick Fix:
- General issue fixed, where certain dates were not properly handled [CA1032829]
- Apply rotate key: Issue fixed, where processing resulted in an error on certain PDFs [CA1032570]
- Set MediaBox to origin: Issue with UserUnit entry fixed [CA1032604]
- Resave PDF: Problem solved, where processing was not successful for a certain PDF with metadata issues [FP74242]
- Rotate pages: Problem solved, where result could not be displayed in certain PDF viewers [FP74605]
- Rotate pages: Issue fixed, where page scaling factor (UserUnit) was not properly maintained [FP73288]
- Split PDF / Split and merge PDF: Problem solved, where processing a file with font issues was not successful [FP74125]
- Split PDF / Split and merge PDF: Issue fixed, where certain PDFs used extraordinary long processing time [FP73432]
- Server
- Reports are created without overview according to settings [FP74332]
- Optimized implicit repair for files with syntax issues [CA1031639; FP73502]
- Reports
- Inventory report: Problem solved, where report was not properly created for one page PDFs in Desktop in certain cases
- JSON: Issue fixed, where some special characters (like umlauts) were escaped
- Quick Check: Issue fixed, where a configuration with CR line endings was not properly regarded [CA1032578]
- Distributed Processing
- Issue fixed, where graceful shutdown failed for Dispatcher/Satellite
- License Server
- When used for Distributed Processing, options like –lspool and –lsmessage used in the Client call will only be forwarded to the Satellite when the Client also specifies a –licenseserver
- General
- JavaScript Variables: Problem with a certain combination of operators solved [FP73754]
- JavaScript Variables: Issue fixed, where xml.xpath did not work as expected for attributes [FP62815]
- Problem solved, where internal syntax optimization did not restor a specific structure of color spaces [FP73698]
- Problem solved, where file processing resulted in a syntax issue with certain PDFs [FP74598]
- Issue fixed, where incorrect Windows version was reported in some cases [CA1032618]
- Log Profile execution: Issue fixed, where the app.json file was empty for barcode / QR code Checks [FP73901]
#14.3.616 July 18, 2023
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 14 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 14 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Fixups
- Derive page geometry boxed from crop marks: Issue fixed, where boxes from certain marks were not correctly recognized [FP73640]
- Map spot and process colors: Problem solved, where image masks were no longer converted [FP73735]
- Checks
- Sifter-based properties: Problem solved, where processing was not correctly executed for certain PDFs [FP73638]
#14.3.615 June 29, 2023
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 14 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 14 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- Process plans: Improved handling of Variables in input/pop-up fields
- Manage Libraries: Quick Check items are now listed in a separate Group
- Enhanced Fixups
- Convert page content into image: New color space options “CMYK,keep spot colors” and “Output Intent if present or CMYK”
- Convert page content into image: Sifter-based Checks can now be used in “Except page objects”
- New Properties
- Number of subsequent points with different location in sub path [FP72888]
- Page description is not valid: Pages are internally rendered and errors are reported in the trigger value [FP69734; FP72888]
- Enhanced Properties
- Properties determining the number of points or nodes in vector paths use improved algorithms [FP72954]
- Actions
- Apply structures: New action to apply DPart and bookmark structures
- Reports
- JSON report: Comments of Checks and Fixups used in a Profile have been added [FP73542]
- License Server
- Support for Cartridge pools for CLI (–lspool; requires License Server v1.2)
- Support for developer licenses for CLI (–lsdev)
- General
- “Relaxed rendering” supports rendering of PDF files with minor syntax issues [FP72888]
- New supported operating system: Linux ARM (e.g. Amazon Graviton) [FP70543]
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Converter integrated (PostScript to PDF conversion; v1.1PlusP4a)
- Desktop
- Action editor: Improved handling of imposition configuration files when updating or replacing files in a configuration
- Manage Libraries: Issue fixed, where number of library changes were not properly calculated when resources were copied [FR71863]
- Compare: Issue fixed, where loupe window was not properly synced in certain cases
- Quick Fix: Issue fixed, where adding an “Output Intent” setting was not possible in an empty Library
- Fixups
- Convert colors: Problem solved, where decalibrating RGB images resulted in unexpected output [FP69017]
- Convert colors: Issue fixed, where conversion of certain black DeviceN objects to RGB or gray was not properly done [FP53165; FP59242]
- Create and apply shapes: Issue fixed, where using a custom box on a page with UserUnit resulted in an incorrect shape [CA1032493]
- Create link: Issue fixed, where link annotations were created twice in some cases (Linux Only) [FP65713]
- Convert page content into image:
- Problem solved, where conversion to RGB did not respect overprint settings [FP73213]
- Problem solved, where excluding certain objects resulted in a unexpected visual change [FP65768]
- Issue fixed, where not converted objects were kept but also rendered [CA1032470; FP67218]
- Problem solved, where defined compression setting was not properly regarded [CA1032466]
- Map colors: Issue fixed, where multiple conversion settings were not properly taken into account [FP73355]
- Remove objects outside page area: Issue fixed, where removal of objects was not properly done [CA1032492]
- Remove objects outside page area: Problem solved, were objects inside were removed in certain cases [CA1032544]
- Set overprint and knockout: Issue fixed, where changes were reported although the Fixup was set to “Unchanged” when an “Apply to” filter was used [FP67034]
- Trim clipped vector paths: Problem solved, where processing resulted in a changed visual appearance with a perticular PDF [CA1032258]
- Checks
- Font not valid: Issue solved, where CID-Fonts were falsely reported as not embedded as CID [FP73468]
- Find barcode: Issue fixed, where the same barcode was found twice in some cases [CA1032265]
- Number of hits per page: Problem solved, where analysis took unnecessarily long [CA1032433]
- Sifter-based properties: Problem solved, where visible objects were falsely classified as invisible in certain cases [FP66159; FP69594; FP73261]
- Sifter-based properties: Issue fixed, where an object covered by the opaque part of an image with SMask was not identified as invisible
- Actions
- Visualizer: Content outside of the CropBox will no longer be displayed e.g. in the safety zone view
- Save as image: Content outside of the CropBox will no longer be rendered, even if the rendering rectangle is enlarged or set to the MediaBox
- Save as image: Problem solved, where content was not rendered if defined PDF dimension exceeded 14400pt [CA1032259]
- To PDF: Problem solved, where 16-bit CMYK TIFF with spot or alpha channels were not properly converted [CA1032261; FP73200]
- To PDF: Problem solved, where certain types of CMYK TIFF files using JPEG compression were not properly converted to PDF [FP69255; FP72101; FP72232]
- To PDF: Issue fixed, where a certain Word document using the wrong MIME type could not be converted to PDF [CA1032436]
- CreateCustomDict: Issue fixed, where Variables used for name or comment were not properly regarded [FP73090]
- Reports
- Template-based report: Issue fixed, where wrong ink coverage values were reported [FP73232]
- QuickCheck: Issue fixed, where the “open” status for bookmarks was not reported
- License Server
- Problem solved, where requesting a licenses from a License Server without a matching Cartridge was not properly executed
- General
- Problem solved, where a particular image without resolution entry in a PDF was not properly handled [CA1032551]
#14.2.612 May 11, 2023
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 14 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 14 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- User interface for Process plans, Actions etc.: Improvements regarding display of content and usability [FP56043; FP65165]
- Arbitrary JavaScript controlled Check/Fixup: Separate tabs for script and resources
- Test mode: Shortcuts for displaying page geometry boxes added [FP71939]
- Imposition: New import function for config files and PDF sheetconfig templates
- Process plan: Improved automatic scrolling when (multiple) objects are selected and moved [FP66937]
- Process plan: Auto-complete of the “app” object is also available when editing JavaScript in VS Code as external editor
- Enhanced predefined Profiles
- PDF/A-4… validation: Adjustments made to match veraPDF requirements:
- Binary comment in the file header is missing or does not comply PDF/A requirements
- ToUnicode CMaps using incorrect values
- Additional action (AA) entries
- Detection of certain encryption settings in a PDF [CA1032376]
- PDF/A-4… validation: Adjustments made to match veraPDF requirements:
- Enhanced Fixups
- Create and apply shapes: New option to enlarge page size if needed [CA1031419]
- Create and apply shapes: New option to suppress separations from rendering [FP65812]
- Map spot and process colors: New option “Convert to alternate color” [FP64780]
- Map spot and process colors: New option for “Adjust spot colors” to map spot color tint values proportionally [FP71149]
- Map colors: DeviceGray images can be mapped to a spot color [FP71858]
- Map colors: Improved processing speed for documents with high number of pages [CA1029678]
- Enhanced Properties
- Font not valid: “Embedded CID-Font not embedded as CID” added [CA1024021]
- Sifter-based properties: Enhanced recognition for object detection [FP69419]
- Actions
- SaveAsImage: Support for pagebox / custom rectangle for image format PDF [FP23454; FP68014]
- Support for Amazon Linux 2023 LTS
- Reports
- Custom PDF Report: New parameter “listpages” in manifest.xml to suppress ink coverage information on page level
- Quick Check: Extended information for images properties on page- and document-level [FP71205]
- General
- Page selectors now support an end page in multipage expressions [CA1031848]
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v18.0.4PlusP1u)
- Internal HTML converter updated to callas pdfChip (v2.5.083)
- Desktop
- Report dialog: Issues fixed, where not all step types of a Process plan were reported or Process plans included in Process plans were reported incorrectly
- Report dialog: Issue fixed, where Variable values were not displayed properly
- Plug-in: Problem solved, where flatten transparency was not successful (Windows only) [FP71814]
- Plug-in: Issue fixed, where the Action “Resample to JPEG2000” could not be used
- Explore PDF: Issue fixed, where font size for content stream display was too small
- Manage Libraries: Issue fixed, where Variable keys were not shown with their complete length [FP55085]
- Problem solved, where an ICC profile using JPEG compression for its data stream was not handled properly and no syntax issues were reported
- Fixups
- Adjust dot gain: Problem solved, where values of indexed color spaces were mistakenly changed [FP71374]
- Bring to front: Issue fixed, where content was not handled properly when the document used a certain, unproportionally scaled transformation matrix [CA1032359]
- Convert colors: Problem solved, where certain inherited color space definitions were not handled properly [FP71924]
- Create and apply shapes:
- Issue with certain custom box definitions fixed
- Issue fixed, where a shape based on a vector path was not properly created if “Reduce to outer borders” was activated [CA1031498}
- Problem solved, where an existing page scaling factor (UserUnit) was not taken into account [FP72361]
- Issue fixed, where a defined image resolution affected the shape generation although “from vector paths” was selected [CA1032215]
- Problem solved, where large PDF files were not processed successfully when a high rendering resolution was requested [CA1032250]
- Issue fixed, where shape was not properly created if a page rotation key was present [FP69186]
- Create bookmarks from headings: Issue fixed, where empty bookmarks were created [FP70994]
- Flatten transparency: Problem solved, where processing resulted in occasional failures in rare cases [CA1031821]
- Generate bleed from page content: Problem solved, where certain settings of the page selector resulted in unexpected output [FP71782]
- Generate bleed for irregular shapes: Issue fixed, where unexpected visual result from vector path was created in certain cases [FP57630]
- Map spot and process colors: Issue fixed, where not all spot color occurrences were processed [FP62294]
- Resolve ICCbased default color spaces into object color spaces: Issue fixed, where processing was not successful in certain case [FP69606]
- Remove invisible objects: Problem solved where visible objects were affected in certain cases [FP69016]
- Remove page objects completely outside page area: Problem solved, where pattern objects were not handled properly in some cases [FP57374; FP62316; FP71155]
- Set keywords entry: Issue fixed, where entries were not properly harmonized with those existing in XMP metadata [FP52071; CA1031127; CA1032136]
- Subset fonts: Problem solved, where diacritical points of glyphs were not maintained in certain cases [FP68942]
- Subset fonts: Problem solved, where a Type 1 font glyph with ID 0 was removed in some cases [FP68941]
- Trim clipped vector paths: Problem solved, where Fixup was not executed in certain cases when option “Form XObjects” was activated [CA1032366]
- Checks
- Device independent via color space in group entry: Problem solved, where objects were not properly detected
- Effective ink coverage: Issue fixed, where ink coverage outside page area was reported, although no visible content present there [CA1032257]
- Sifter-based properties: Problem solved, where a certain combination of multiple Checks in 1 Profile resulted in incorrect hits [FP72705]
- Sifter-based properties: Issue fixed, where PDFs with certain empty content stream commands could not be analyzed properly [FP70870; CA1032398]
- Smallest distance from TrimBox|BleedBox: Issue fixed, where using a comma as decimal delimiter resulted in a broken Check configuration [FP59385]
- Will display when document is opened: Issue fixed, where visibility was not correctly determined in some cases [CA1032254]
- Actions
- Imposition: Issue fixed, where a negative shingling value was not taken into account [FP72685]
- JavaScript-based imposition: Problem solved, where no UserUnit entry was added when maximum size of 14400 pt was exceeded [CA1032331]
- Save as image: Problem solved, where certain, large PDF files could not be rendered to JPEG in higher resolutions [FP70219; FP70739]
- SplitPDF: Fixed return codes for password protected PDFs [CA1032161]
- To PDF: Problem solved, where certain layer sizes and compression in a TIFF resulted in an improper behavior [FP72316]
- To PDF: Problem solved, where vertical alignment of “Times”, “Helvetica” and “Courier” fonts in HTML files did not match expected output after conversion to PDF (macOS only) [FP52559]
- Quick Check: Missing input tag with file details added to StdOut
- Reports
- HTML-template based Reports: Minor issue with step icons fixed
- HTML-template based Reports: Issue fixed, where overview page did not show total amount of Fixups
- HTML-template based Reports: Issue fixed, where “show=”0″” parameter was not respected [FP72090]
- Layer reports: Problem fixed, where report creation was not successful when Sifter check had to be reported [CA1032371; FP71984; FP72680]
- Optimize PDF: Problem solved, were a complete optimization took inadequate long [CA1032264]
- Problem solved, where names of sequence steps, which were defined by Variables were not regarded in reports [FP68341]
- Quick Check: Issue fixed, where certain DeviceN constructs with spot colors and “None” were not properly listed [CA1032291]
- Quick Check: Problem solved, where a certain kind of recursive structure in the content stream was not properly handled [FP72812]
- General
- Protected Profiles: Problem solved, where protected Profiles could not be executed [CA1032232]
- Issue fixed, where activation requests were falsely indicated as failed [FP35231; FP65154]
- Process plans: Problem solved, where an incorrect return code was reported (3 or 8 = error), although this was not the result of the last step [FP71756]
- Problem solved, where a certain font data structure could result in an improper behavior [CA1032231; FP71999]
- Problem solved, where certain formatting of inline images resulted in a changed visual appearance [FP71647]
#14.1.606 January 24, 2023
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 14 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 14 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- New function to bulk-export Profiles as separate kfpx files or into a zipped archive file (e.g. for distribution via GitHub)
- Protected Profiles: Several minor improvements regarding handling and usage
- New Fixups
- Create link for page objects (identified by a Check) [FP65713]
- Create link at page area [FP65713]
- Enhanced Fixups
- Convert page content into image: Possibility to limit rasterization based on Processing Steps added [CA1032125]
- Create and apply shapes: Support for beveled corners [CA1031870]
- New Properties
- Glyph uses overlapping path objects [CA1031932; CA1032003; FP27205]
- Text is un-proportionally scaled [FP70746]
- Text is fake italic using skewing [FP70746]
- Enhanced Properties
- Sifter-based Checks: Reviewed and optimized analysis, e.g. for cropped objects to increase processing speed [FP65044; FP65294]
- Actions
- JavaScript-based imposition: SHEET_DEF_TRIMBOX is now available as possible parameter to be able to define a TrimBox [FP68772]
- ToPDF: New topdf_parameter option “WholeSpreadsheetLayout” on CLI to enforce the whole spreadsheet in its original format [CA1031794]
- Quick Fix
- Search and replace text: New parameter giving external fonts precedence to the ones that are embedded
- Search and replace text for VDP: New parameter giving external fonts precedence to the ones that are embedded
- General
- Process plans: Duration of previous steps are now available in JS-Variables and JSON reports
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v18.0.4PlusP1n)
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Converter integrated (PostScript to PDF conversion; v1.1PlusP3r)
- Internal HTML converter updated to callas pdfChip (v2.5.080)
- Desktop
- Windows installer: Problem solved, where Plug-in was installed in older versions than Acrobat DC [FP70538]
- QuickFix UI: Issue fixed, where QuickFix type sorting did not take localization into account [FP70790]
- Results dialog: Issue fixed, where result list did not scroll to the last step [FP65526]
- Fixups
- Flatten transparency:
- Problem solved, where text vanished in certain cases (Windows only) [FP69113]
- Problem solved. where a bitmap image became clipped [FP69113]
- Issue fixed, where text used as a clipping path resulted in vanishing objects [CA1031993]
- Problem solved, where some glyphs were not properly maintained during processing [FP65562; FP71571]
- Font to outline:
- Problem solved, where processing specific TrueType fonts could result into distorted glyphs [FP50175; FP55477; FP68146; FP69208; FP69505; FP70142]
- Problem solved, where glyphs from certain Type 3 fonts were not properly converted [CA1028912; FP58310]
- Issue fixed, where processing resulted in displaced diacritical marks for some composite glyphs [FP69208]
- Embed missing fonts: Problem solved, where an incorrect ToUnicode-CMap could result into false glyph assignments [CA1031998]
- Create and apply shape: Problem solved, where processing was not successful when a certain resolution for some PDFs was used [CA1031291]
- Convert colors: Problem solved, where DeviceN objects with multiple “None” colorants and Black were not properly handled when converted to RGB [FP61770; FP70262; FP70606]
- Downsample/recompress images: Issue fixed, where DeviceN CMYK images were not compressed as JPEG as requested [FP60717]
- Map colors: Issues fixed, where especially the conversion to Gray did not always create the expected results
- Flatten transparency:
- Checks
- Smallest distance from Trimbox: Problem solved, where strokes were not properly measured in some cases [FP61479]
- Effective ink coverage in custom area: Issue fixed, where analysis was not properly done when “Sample size” was the same as “Width” [FP70808]
- Find barcode: Problem solved, where processing was not successful in certain cases [FP70793]
- Find barcode: Issue fixed, where a barcode was not found when the “Barcode value” property was negated [FP70793]
- Sifter-based Checks: Problem fixed, where objects were not properly detected although reaching into a custom shape in certain cases [FP71006; FP71228]
- Actions
- To PDF: Problem solved, where a SoftMaskImage in a PostScript file was not properly regarded during conversion to PDF [CA1031459]
- Save as image: Corrected naming of quality setting [FP70635]
- Save as image: Problem solved, where a defined pagebox for rasterization was ignored on some PDFs when converted to TIFF with certain resolution [FP70739]
- JavaScript-based imposition: Problem solved, where variables were not passed through to imposition engine on CLI [FP70532]
- Process plans
- Compare: Issue fixed, where in a Process Plan a compare report was created even if there were no differences [FP68727]
- Improved import handling for Process plans which differ only by their layouts
- Problem solved, where the overwrite option for reports was not properly regarded [FP70444]
- Quick Fix
- Search and replace for VDP: Problem solved, where processed PDF contained syntax issues in certain case [FP70873]
- Set page geometry boxes: Issue fixed, where result could not be processed properly with specific PDF [FP69545]
- List Variables: Issue fixed, where Variables in objects of nested Process plans were not listed [CA1031571]
- General
- JavaScript Variables: Issue fixed, where the position of a found barcode was not available in the JS result object [FP65713]
- JavaScript Variables: Issue fixed, where a JavaScript controlled Check with at least one global Variable resulted into an empty Ask-at-runtime dialog [CA1031962]
- License Server
- Problem solved, where checking for the License Server after each Process plan step could result into a terminated process if License Server could not be reached [FP67389; FP71141]
System requirements
- Mac: MacOS X (Intel or ARM / M1), version 10.13 or newer, 64-bit-compliant
#14.0.597 September 30, 2022
- An upgrade to pdfToolbox Server 14, pdfToolbox CLI 14 or pdfToolbox SDK 14 from earlier versions of these products requires a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA). Please contact your reseller for further information.
- Desktop
- Switchboard: New functionality “Replace text” in group “Text”
- Profile, Check and Fixup steps: New possibility to limit processing using page selector settings
- Protected Profiles: Allows making content of a Profile or Process plan inaccessible and to limit the use to certain serial numbers
- New “Fast fix” for single Fixups and Quick Fixes in Desktop, which will limit the extent of post-processing analysis of the resulting PDF
- Fixup settings: New “Duplicate” button for settings
- Action editor for imposition: Direct access to editor and related functionalities
- Test mode: Preview for extracted text for Quick Fix “Search and replace text” and “Search and replace text for VDP” in Process plan context
- Test mode: New “Short overview (faster)” mode, which will limit the extent of post-processing analysis of the resulting PDF
- Switchboard: Extract dieline has been extended to work with a user selected page geometry box
- Switchboard: Impose: RunLists and SheetConfig files can be deleted and other minor usability improvements
- Impose RunList debugger: Now lists console.log() statements for JavaScript-based runlists
- Test mode: Optional “Preflight only pages” to limit processing to the defined page range
- JavaScript Variables editor: Support forusing VS Code as external editor
- JavaScript Variables editor: Extended functionality to evaluate the results in a context with e.g. a previous step in a Process plan
- JavaScript Variables editor: Auto complete for JavaScript objects, Variables, Quick Check parameters and other minor usability improvements
- Profile window: “Search Libraries” has been replaced with “Import from Library”, which offers more functionalities
- Process plans
- Process plan steps Checks, Fixups, Profiles: Introduced a page selector input field per step [FP67632]
- New Action type: Extract dieline
- “Fast VDP mode” checkbox for Process Plans: Form XObject will be analyzed and processed only once, even if used multiple times within the PDF (designed especially for variable and transactional PDF files)
- Checks: The severity of a hit can now be set
- Compare PDF: Enhanced handling, so reports will be created only if differences were found [FP68727]
- Processing: Optimized application of running a generic post check (e.g. will not happen in Process plans with just an Action)
- Preliminary process plans can be saved
- Extended settings for JSON reports
- New or enhanced predefined Profiles
- All “GWG 2022”-based Profiles targeting “Packaging Gravure”: Adjusted recognition for allowed color spaces
- All “GWG 2022”-based Profiles targeting “WebSpot”: Adjusted recognition regarding spot color naming
- PDF/UA-1 validation: Improved reporting for untagged PDFs [FP68324]
- PDF/A-4… validation: Added “CMYK source profile identical with blend color space profile”
- PDF/A-4… conversion: Added “Remove all alternate images” and “Discard image interpolation flag” Fixups
- Convert to PDF/X-… (Japan Color 2011 Coated)
- Convert color to Japan Color Coated 2011 (convert spot colors to CMYK)
- Convert color to Japan Color Coated 2001 (keep spot colors)
- Embed Output Intent Japan Color 2011 Coated
- Extended and enhanced Fixups
- Create and apply shapes: New “Apply to pages” filter in all “Create shape” methods to create different shapes e.g. for even and odd pages [FP64197; CA1030598]
- Create and apply shapes: New Option “Existing transparent page content overlaps opaquely”which puts the existing page content into an isolated group XObject
- Map colors: Introduced individual tolerance per source colorant for better adjustment. Old tolerance settings will be applied for each colorant separately now [CA1022449; CA1031354; FP53858; FP54090; FP58197]
- Add white background: New Option “Existing transparent page content overlaps opaquely” which puts the existing page content into an isolated group XObject [FP68320]
- Set transparency blend color space: New options to limit to certain color spaces [FP68044]
- Insert page: New page content filter to limit the type of objects to be duplicated
- Remove page objects outside: Changed object recognition to Sifter technology for better analysis [CA1026869; CA1030849; CA1031669; CA1031766; FP46932; FP50227; FP53544; FP53819; FP58548; FP61468; FP64974; FP61666; FP61672; FP69158; FP69233; FP69635]
- Processing Steps can be selected in the UI for the following Fixups:
- Convert colors
- Crop to visible based on rendered page
- Generate bleed at page edges
- Generate bleed for irregular shapes
- Map spot and process colors
- Remove objects
- Set Overprint and Knockout
- New Properties
- CMYK object redefined to ICCbased CMYK via its transparency group
- Effective total area coverage (TAC) [FP64078]
- Area effectively covered by ink amount above threshold
- Create a hit (or not): Allows to set to create a hit or a trigger value e.g. based on a previously determined result (e.g. from a Quick Check or JavaScript-Variable)
- Determine JPEG quality factor [CA1031362]
- Enhanced Properties
- Object uses Cyan|Magenta|Yellow|Black: ICCbased colors can optionally be taken into account (without applying color management)
- Object uses Cyan|Magenta|Yellow|Black with a percentage of: ICCbased colors can optionally be taken into account (without applying color management)
- Actions
- Visualizer: Safety view: Color for TrimBox harmonized to other usages and highlighting for BleedBox added
- Impose: New SheetConfig “25×38 inch, 8up US Letter”
- Quick Fix
- Search and replace text
- Search and replace text for VDP (to create PDFs with dynamic content)
- Reports
- HTML-template based Reports: Completely redesigned and restructured default template, various additional views can be ordered via the manifest.xml (see online docu for further details)
- JSON report:
- New mode “compact” to write report in single-line mode
- New mode to request analysis for ink coverage
- A Quick Check can optionally be requested, the results of which are then included in the report
- Extended sequence step information for process plans
- XML report: Extended sequence step information for process plans
- Fast VDP mode: New optional parameter “–fastvdpmode” for Profile execution: Form XObject will be analyzed and processed only once, even if used multiple times within the PDF (designed especially for variable and transactional PDF files)
- General
- Log Profile execution: Lists type of step and logging path into process.log
- XML & JSON reports with an appropriate message will now also be generated for encrypted or patially parseable PDFs [FP59022]
- Generic syntax checks now have a custom ID (e.g. in reports or app.doc.results)
- Performance optimizated initialization for PDF files with huge numbers of pages
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v18.0.4PlusP1e)
- Internal bar code detection library updated to latest version
- Internal HTML converter updated to callas pdfChip (v2.5.076)
- Desktop
- Problems solved, where certain parts of the user interface were vanishing if window was moved to a second screen in certain cases (MacOS only) [CA1031345; FP66959; FP68206; FP69274; FP69435; FP70001]
- Process plans: Improved automatic scrolling when mouse is outside canvas [FP66937]
- RunList editor: Issue fixed, where no proper ask at runtime dialog was shown in test mode
- Fixups
- Downsample/recompress images: Issue fixed, where page numbers with a FixFailures were reported zero-based (and not starting with “1”)
- Downsample/recompress images: Problem solved, where invalid images were falsely flagged as successfully processed [FP69980]
- Convert page content into image: Problem solved, where hidden text was taken into account [FP69417]
- Convert page content into image: Problem solved, where a certain type of smooth shade was not properly converted [FP69599; FP69925; FP69987]
- Flatten transparency: Issue fixed, where processing took unnecessary long on specific PDFs [CA1030865]
- Flatten transparency: Problems solved, where defined timeout was not properly respected [FP68592]
- Flatten annotations or form fields: Problem solved, where certain annotation appearances could result into an improper result [CA1031691; CA1031756]
- Set transparency blend color space: Changed “All” to “All excluding soft masks”
- Map colors: Limited conversion of images to mapping within the same color space [FP48912]
- Map colors: Reviewed and optimized object recognition using the “Apply to” filter [CA1026860]
- Checks
- Find bar codes: Optimized recognition of bar codes [CA1030800]
- Context aware object detection (Sifter): Problem solved, where MediaBox was not extended, if created shape exceeded this box [CA1031802]
- Context aware object detection (Sifter): Problem solved, where an excessive usage of extremely small patterns resulted in a long processing duration [FP69419]
- Arbitrary JavaScript controlled Check: Problem solved, where execution failed although successful in the past [FP69921]
- Actions
- AddXMP: Problem solved, where certain XMP structure could not be properly handled [CA1029394]#
- Extract content: Issue fixed, where created XML report for text split UTF-8 glyphs into two entries (Linux only) [FP70188]
- Extract text: Problem solved, where processing failed with specific PDF [CA1030894]
- Split layers: Issue fixed, where file naming based on layer names did not work if filename contained “.” [FP49501; FP69603]
- Extract dieline: Problem solved, where creation did not properly work for certain CropBox/MediaBox combinations [CA1030864]
- To PDF: Problem solved, where content of specific TIFFs file was not properly converted [CA1029317]
- To PDF: Problem solved, where a specific PSD file resulted in an improper behavior [FP69870]
- N-up: Issue fixed, where page content was not properly positioned if page scaling factor (UserUnits) had to be added or adjusted [CA1031402]
- Impose: Issue fixed, where page content was not properly positioned if a page scaling factor (UserUnits) had to be added or adjusted [FP68009]
- Save as image: Problem solved, where a certain usage of a transformation matrix resulted into black image using “no simulate overprint” [CA1031477]
- Add grommets: Issue fixed, where userUnits were not taken into account [FP66328]
- Quick Fix: Reviewed handling of multiple instructions within one Quick Fix to avoid conversion of one object multiple times
- General
- Embedded file handling: Problem solved where conversion to PDF/A-2 failed on certain PDF [CA1029445]
- JavaScript-based Variables: Issue fixed, where the app.doc.pages area did not contain a page property to identify the page
- Page selector: Problem solved, where a defined page range with values out of possible range for current document was handled as an empty page range [CA1031720]
- Reports
- XML: Issue fixed, where certain UTF-8 glyphs resulted into issues during report generation (MacOS only) [FP62319]
- XML: Issue fixed, where Quick Fixes in a Process Plan were not properly listed [FP68341]
- Quick Check: Problem solved, where creation failed when the input filename contained an umlaut in some cases (Linux Only) [FP69481]
- Server
- Problem solved, where job name with command glyphs (e.g. a “tab”) resulted in a locked situation in some cases [FP69125]
- JSON report is now available as report type
System requirements
- Mac: MacOS X (Intel or ARM / M1), version 10.12 or newer, 64-bit-compliant